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Acclaim for Us' Debut LP from MOJO, Classic Rock, Shindig! etc.

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Finnish band Us have released their blistering debut LP ‘Underground Renaissance’ (Krautpop!) to much acclaim, with **** in  MOJOShindig! and Classic Rock (among others). 

“Supercharged young Finns play speeding rocking blues, garage punk and sunshiney pop.” MOJO ****
“Effervescent Finn’s first long player brings the bangers. Splendid work.” Classic Rock 8/10
“So completely entertaining.” Shindig! ****
“A driving psych-pop hymn to blissed-out lysergia.”  Vive Le Rock
“Their blend of punk and blues rock is blisteringly energetic, matching their notorious live sound." The Most Radicalist 



Tuesday, October 22, 2024