An-Ting's experimental audio-visual project 'Lost Communications 失絡之聲' enchants the press with coverage in Electronic Sound, Through Sounds, Moonnbuilding Zine and others.
"An-Ting Chang is a sound artist, each of the album's seven pieces begins with manipulated birdsong recorded in the UK, Mongolia, Hong Kong, Sichuan and Taiwan, and are augmented by electronics that fly rapidly between dark and light." Electronic Sound
"'Lost Communications 失絡之聲' delves into the frenzied, confusing world of interspecies communication that abstracts our relationship with both birdsong and the brooding electronics she folds them into." Through Sounds
"In the same way Ben Frost used birdsong to highlight man's devastating effects on nature (on his album Broken Spectre) An-Ting draws our attention to the beauty to be found in nature, using birdsong to explore her artistic expression." The Letter blog
“With the Lost Communications 失絡之聲 album, An-Ting offers a profound exploration of the intersection between nature, technology, and human experience.” Electronica.org
“An-Ting seems to be doing things differently, which is always great to hear." Moonbuilding Zine